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  1. Programmer Analyst (PHP) - Number of Positions (2)
      Experience of object oriented programming / modular programming (essential)
    • Front-end development including jQuery, Javascript Libraries.
    • Understanding of Ajax
    • Experience and understanding of the complete software development lifecycle
    • Understanding and Experience of working with E-Commerce(not essential, will be added advantange)
    • Some knowledge of the Linux command line (desirable, not essential).
    • Good levels of communication. Both written and verbal
    Apply for this Position 

  2. Web Designer - Number of Postions (1)
    • Knowledge of web development technologies
    • Excellent written and spoken communication
    • Creative thinking
    • Ability to meet deadlines
    • Good Knowledge of CSS,Javascript,Jquery, Flash Action Scripting.
    • Tools : Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Adobe Flex, Eclipse(desirable, not essential)
    Apply for this Position 

  3. Android Application Development - Number of Postions (2)
    • Peron should have background with Android 1.6/2.0, RIM, or other mobile platforms
    • Hands on experience in J2ME and the Android SDK, Android AVD.
    • Should have worked minimum of one live project in Android application development.
    • Excellent understanding of Object-Oriented programming and Design with Java and C++ for Android SDK.
    • Knowledge of Objective C and iPhone development is a major plus.
    • Experience with XML/JSON and data manipulation/extraction using parsers.
    • Strong debugging and trouble-shooting skills and prior experience with performance measurement tools
    • Experience in working with 3rd Party APIs
    Apply for this Position 

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